Tag Archives: WordPress


Automattic’s latest site, WordPress.tv is quite interesting. The site, described as “Your Visual Resource for All Things WordPress,” is an attempt at putting together a central place to find quality WordPress-related videos.

So far it’s mainly short beginner-oriented tutorials and clips from WordCamp, though it will eventually have all the videos they can round-up. Judging by what they’ve done so far, they will be adding existing videos from around the web, by using Vimeo/YouTube/etc embed code snippets, in addition to their own clips.

On the design end, it looks pretty good; it’s kind of a combination of the WordPress.org design and Hulu, with a dash of YouTube. The videos are sized nicely, plenty of information to the right, and threaded Gravatar-equipped comments underneath. It’s very clean, and (big surprise) it’s all powered by WordPress.

The site looks promising. I will definitely be checking in now and again to see how it turns out.

Poll Results For “Are You Running WordPress 2.7 Yet?”

poll-wp2point7-upgradeBack in mid December I asked whether those of you who ran WordPress whether they had upgraded to version 2.7. The results are in, if a bit late.

I have determined, with the help of our informal survey, as well as from monitoring other bloggers’ reactions, that WordPress 2.7 is one of the quickest-adopted versions of WordPress ever, if not the quickest. In fact, 2.7 had been downloaded over 1,170,655 times at the time of this writing.

A commenter on the original post echoes my thoughts on why this is. Mainly that it was “more widely tested than previous releases,” fewer plugin authors were unprepared when the final release came around, and that automatic upgrading was added, meaning that future updates would be a lot less painful.

Congratulations, WordPress contributors; you’ve done well on this release. I’ll keep my few minor quibbles to myself for today. :)

Anti-AdBlock Plugin

Thaya Kareeson, maker of the useful WP Greet Box Plugin, has just released Anti-AdBlock, a WordPress plugin that detects if the user is running the AdBlock Plus extension for Firefox and displays a message “humbly asking them to support your website by turning off their AdBlock software.”


The plugin allows you to customize the message to be displayed and the accompanying image. The box will, by default, log a cookie to prevent the box from showing again after the first visit, though you can set it to show more than once. Also, the message can be set to not display until a user has visiting more than X pages on the site, and it is set to a reasonably high number by default; a nice touch.

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“Twittar” Twitter Avatar Plugin

Smashing Magazine has released an interesting WordPress plugin called “Twittar.” The plugin, named for “Twitter Avatar,” is used in place of WordPress’s Gravatar template tag. When a comment is displayed, the plugin will check to see if the email address left matches a Twitter account, and will add the user’s avatar to the comment. Should they not have a Twitter account, it will check for a Gravatar instead.

This is an interesting idea, though some users have commented upon the plugin’s performance. It’s not terribly efficient, making two HTTP requests per comment server-side, and then the client loads the image. A solution is being considered, probably some sort of caching.

I quite like the idea, though I think it should have the option of changing the order of precedence for the avatars, so Gravatars could be favored over Twitter avatars. My Twitter avatar is the same as my Gravatar, but since Gravatars are more known for being “comment avatars,” it makes sense that some people would expect their Gravatar to load instead of their Twitter picture.

WordPress Theme of the Month: Desk Space

This month’s featured WordPress theme is “Desk Space” by Dirty Blue Media.


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WordPress 2.7 Favorites Menu Manager Plugin

I would like to formally announce my latest WordPress plugin today. Behold Favorites Menu Manager.

When WordPress 2.7 launched, a small menu was added to the upper-right corner of the Admin. This menu was referred to as a Favorite Actions menu.

The menu, by default, doesn’t offer the user any customization options. It just contains links to Admin pages that are used often, or ones that most people use often. Shouldn’t it contain the links that you use most?

That’s where Favorites Menu Manager comes in. The plugin adds a new submenu under the Users section of the Administration, allowing each user of a WordPress install to customize his or her Favorite Actions menu. New items can be added easily, little-used ones removed. Items can be reordered and renamed as well. A handy Bookmark This item is added to the menu to make it easier to add items to the list. (Just navigate to the page you want, click, and then edit the name of the link.)

Finally, the Favorite Actions menu can actually contain your favorite actions.

Download the plugin from the WordPress Plugin Repository.

WP125 Patch 1.2.1 Released

If you have already updated to WP125 version 1.2.0, which was released just a few days ago, you would be strongly advised to upgrade to the the new 1.2.1 release, which fixes a critical bug.

If you are running 1.2.0, ads will not be taken down properly when they reach their expiration date, and you will recieve an endless supply of email notifications stating that the ad has been taken down. For every time someone loads a page on your blog, an email notification will be sent. This could quickly fill your inbox, and put unnecessary strain on the server.

This issue was caused by a mistake in an SQL statement that has since been fixed. Please update to version 1.2.1 of the WP125 ad management plugin, via the automatic updater in WordPress, or by downloading it manually.

EDIT: It seems we are up to 1.2.2 now. A couple of other, less major, bugs came up, and have since been fixed.

WP125 1.2.0 Released

Version 1.2.0 of the WP125 ad management plugin has been released. You can download the latest version from WordPress Extend, or you can update using WordPress’s automatic plugin updater.

The latest version streamlines the management workflow, and overall makes the plugin more friendly with WordPress 2.7. The subtle usability tweaks should make it easier to navigate the plugin in the latest WordPress release.

But what about the more major features?

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8 Useful WordPress SQL Hacks

Smashing Magazine has done it again. Their latest post, 8 Useful WordPress SQL Hacks, is a goldmine of useful tricks to streamline your WordPress experience.

The tips include

  • Backing up (and restoring) your database
  • Batch deleting post revisions
  • Resetting a lost admin password
  • Updating your database with a new domain, if you ever move to a new one

Definitely some knowledge to have your blogger’s toolbox.

If you really want to master SQL, I’d recommend reading Learning MySQL or similar book.

Add An Item to WordPress 2.7’s Favorites Menu

WordPress 2.7 introduced a little menu in the upper right corner of the backend. By default it includes commonly-used links, such as the New Post and Comments Management pages.

It’s a neat idea, but the developers didn’t give the average user an easy way to add and remove links from the list. Hopefully a plugin will be developed to allow it to be customized easily. In the meantime, you can use your theme’s functions.php file to add an item to the list. Just use a code snippet similar to this:

function add_favorite_item($actions) {
$actions['options-general.php'] = array('Settings', 'manage_options');
return $actions;
add_filter('favorite_actions', '

The favorite_actions hook calls your function when it’s needed, which in turn adds an entry to the array that WordPress uses to construct the menu. You can duplicate the $actions[... line to add more than one item. Just substitute options-general.php with the URL of the page you want (everything after the “wp-admin/”). Then change the 'Settings' to whatever text you want for the menu label. The final argument is the minimum permission for the item to be displayed at.

This hook could also be used in a plugin, if you have a use for it there. Just use it with discretion, so people don’t end up with a long list of not-quite-favorite links added by numerous plugins. ;)

For further reading, see Ozh’s little write-up of the favorite_actions hook.