SyntaxHighlighter Evolved

I recently started using the SyntaxHighlighter Evolved plugin on Webmaster-Source. The plugin provides an easy way to format code snippets for display in posts, complete with colorization.

When using SyntaxHighlighter Evolved, you don’t need to replace quotation marks with " or anything like that. The plugin takes care of that, and preserves the original spacing.

The plugin has colorization support for several of programming languages, and it’s possible to add support if needed. The output is fully themeable via basic CSS.

All you have to do to invoke the plugin is surround your code in quick tags for the appropriate language, and you get something like this:

<?php echo "Here's some code"; ?>;

It shows up as an ordinary <pre>…</pre> tag once it leaves the editor, with contents neatly escaped, and the JavaScript does the rest to make things look neat once the page loads all the way.

BlogBuzz June 6, 2009

WordPress Theme of the Month: Typebased

This month’s featured free WordPress theme is Typebased by WooThemes.

Microsoft’s “Bing” Search Engine Isn’t So New After All…

Microsoft recently launched their new search engine “Bing,” in an attempt to compete in the arena that Google has pretty much already won. There was a bit of talk leading up to the relatively quiet launch, which promptly disappointed me.

Basic HTTP Authentication With PHP

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The 1Kb CSS Grid

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Flavour Extended Icon Set

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WordPress Hosting Monitor Plugin

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BlogBuzz May 30, 2009

Tweetie for Mac: OSX-Native Twitter Client

I’ve been trying out Tweetie for Mac lately. It’s a Mac OSX-native Twitter client with a very nice, polished interface. It has many of the features of Nambu, but it lacks the instability that Nambu tends to have from its current “beta” status. Tweetie…