BlogBuzz October 31, 2009

XKCD Honors the Closing of Geocities

In case you missed it on October 26th, the webcomic XKCD changed their design in mourning (or celebration?) of GeoCities‘ closing. Geocities was the first major free web host, giving users 15MB of space for their HTML and image files. They were sort of…

Net Neutrality: It’s Important, Don’t Believe the FUD

The U.S. Federal Communications Commission has approved a plan to develop a set of regulations that will help prevent the telcos from modifying web pages, throttling applications’ transfers, “deprioritizing” packets from competing applications or servers, or other dirty tricks along those lines. The ISPs,…

Design Spotlight: Grooveshark

Grooveshark not only has a cool design, but is an interesting service as well. It lets you search for music and play it, streaming through the Flash player. Artists can submit their music directly to Grooveshark, giving them a promotional platform, as well as…

Capitalize Your Headlines Properly, Please

In the English language, titles follow a certain convention of capitalization. Titles of books and magazine articles, news headlines, names of publications, etc., they all follow this basic rule: You capitalize every word in the title, except for unimportant words (e.g. and, or, is,…

The New StumbleUpon

StumbleUpon is transitioning into a new redesign, and changing some things around. The new design is much lighter, and puts the search field in clearer sight. In the post announcing the change, the fourth iteration of the site, they say that their goals are…

BlogBuzz October 24, 2009

TimThumb: Automatically Resize Images

TimThumb is a PHP script by Darren Hoyt that can automatically create thumbnails on the fly, caching them for later use. It scales images to the width and height you specify, either keeping the original aspect ratio or cropping the image. To make use…

A Brief History of Hotmail, or An Example of Early Viral Marketing

TechCrunch has an interesting article up, titled PS: I Love You. Get Your Free Email at Hotmail, which is an excerpt from the new book Viral Loop: From Facebook To Twitter, How Today’s Smartest Businesses Grow Themselves. The post covers the early days of…

SubHeading Plugin for WordPress

Have you ever wished for an easy way to add a smaller secondary title, a subheading, under your blog posts’ main titles? That’s exactly what the SubHeading plugin does. It adds a subheading field to the Write screen in the WordPress Admin, and a…