Category Archives: Software & Scripts
Dec 30, 2008 by Matt | Posted in Software & Scripts
Since getting a Mac, I’ve become a fan of the graphics editor Skitch. It’s a simple and useful application that I’ve been using more and more as of late.
Skitch is great for taking a quick screenshot and resizing it quickly. You can press a keyboard shortcut to take a shot of the entire screen or a selection. You can then crop and resize the image by dragging parts of the window border, then save it to your hard disk or a remote server (perhaps your blog’s uploads folder?). You can also annotate the image with text and arrows, add a drop shadow to the resulting image, etc.
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Dec 12
One software package I’ve been finding useful lately is Evernote. It’s a free note-taking service with plenty of ways to access it. You get a web app, a Macintosh client, a Windows client, a Windows Mobile app, and an iPhone app. Your notes are…
Nov 10
Wouldn’t it be useful to be able to test a new version of your website locally, on your own computer, before putting it up on your server? Suppose you were working on a new design, and were coding it as a WordPress theme. You…
Oct 16
Looking to create that cool reflection effect on an image? There are plenty of JavaScript solutions, such as Reflection.js, to handle the effect on the client side, but what if you want to do it on the server end, to ensure maximum compatibility or…
Oct 3 is a service that, as the name suggests, can show you screenshots of what a website looks like in a multitude of browsers and conputer configurations. (If you’ve already heard of the service, sorry I’m boring you to death. ) You can select…
Sep 22
A lot of web apps these days involve images. Twitter, Gravatar, Facebook, you name it. For avatars, sharing photos, or whatever, user-submitted images are a big part of the modern web. Now, suppose you’re building a web app, and you want to allow a…
Sep 15
Do you produce podcasts, or otherwise make use of audio files on your website? Here are a few Flash players to enable your listeners to easily stream audio from your server. JW FLV Media Player Jeroenwijering’s player is one of the wider-known ones, and…
Sep 8
Remember the big deal Microsoft made about how Internet Explorer 8 would finally be standards compliant. Aside from some odd stuff they were doing, it looked like they were actually putting in an effort to follow through with their promise, or at least something…
Sep 5
After years of rumor and speculation, Google finally released a web browser. Google Chrome is the company’s attempt to make a web browser that fits the times better than the others. Since we spend so much time online, we began seriously thinking about what…
Sep 4
Adii, the web designer who created Premium News Theme, and one of the people behind WooThemes, is seriously considering dropping Internet Explorer 6 support from future works, and charging a premium if a client requests it. I’ve been contemplating about what to do re:…