Category Archives: General

BlogBuzz October 27, 2007

Did Google Just Update Their PageRank?

I have a widget on my desktop that tells me what all my websites’ PageRanks are. I’m not obsessed with PageRank or anything (unlike some people), but it’s nice to be able to check at a glance. Anyway, I was checking another widget a…

PageRank and “Overall Site Metrics”

People like to measure and compare things. Metrics affect decisions, like whether someone will buy an ad on your site. Websites are measured in numerous ways. They’re given an “overall score” with PageRank; Feedburner counts the number of people who subscribe to their RSS…

Coming Soon: The Webmaster-Source Podcast

EDIT: The contest has ended. Results. I’ve been searching around various podcast directories (including the “official” on in iTunes). I’ve noticed a lack of Blogging/Webmaster podcasts, and I’ve decided to start one here on Webmaster-Source. I’m getting close to recording a pilot episode, though…

Webmaster Articles Blog Carnival – October 1, 2007 Edition

Sorry it’s a day late! After much waiting, here’s the October 1, 2007 edition of the Webmaster Articles Blog Carnival. Submissions for the next edition are now being accepted, and if you’re interested in hosting the next edition, please let me know. InfiniTech will…

200th Post! Plus WordPress 2.3

Seeing as this is the 200th blog post on Webmaster-Source, I’m going to take this opportunity to fill you in on a little of WSC’s history. I bought the domain about a year and a half ago, and put up a static website…

Blogging Tip: Cheap, but great, prizes for contests

It’s not too unusual for bloggers to run contests in attempt to raise their PageRank/Technorati Authority. You may have considered this briefly, but dismissed the idea when you couldn’t think of anything good to offer as a prize. Here’s a possible solution: Refurbished iPods.…

WSC CSS-ified

Hopefully you’ll notice some speed improvements around here. I’ve finally found the time to update Webmaster-Source’s layout to utilize CSS instead of tables. Don’t believe me? Check yourself! 100% CSS page layout.

Naming Your Site: No, “Bob” Isn’t a Good Name

When you’re starting a new website, you need to come up with a name as soon as possible. How soon? You should pick a name before you start building your layout and all that. Why? Well, it’s not easy to make a logo and…

Webmaster Articles Blog Carnival – July 18, 2007 Edition

Welcome to the July 18, 2007 edition of the Webmaster Articles blog carnival. You may notice that we’re publishing a little early, but are you complaining? We’ve got a nice collection of articles this time around, so let’s get started.