- Does your blog need a redesign? Benefits of a Blog Redesign.
- Did you know that Blogger has a secret version of their system that allows you access to upcoming features before they’re released? It’s called Blogger in Draft.
- Big webcasters agree to royalty
crap, er cap, deal. - Pro Blog Design has written a review of NTugo.com’s design.
- Looking for some icons? Smashing Magazine has 20+ more icon sets for you to have fun with.
- When testing a new design, it’s a good idea to test at various screen resolutions. Lifehacker has instructions on resizing Firefox to exact pixel dimensions for this reason. Or you could just use the Web Developer Toolbar…
- eMonetized.com has an interesting contest going. Four people who enter will have 125×125 ads placed on JohnChow.com (which would run you $500/month normally). All you have to do to enter is link to eMonetized withing the guidelines described in the post.
- How do you spell? Hopefully not with chat-speak…
Really, do you use favorite or favourite? Color or colour?
- ProBlogger has released another one of those wonderful reader-submitted links posts. I’ve been enjoying reading them, ad I hope The ProBlogger continues to do something similar, even after the 31 Days to a Better Blog series ends. They don’t necessarily have to be reader-submitted, but they could have a new twist on the same idea. I like reading through the large quantities of links.
- Guide to Using DualFeeds with FeedBurner.
- As most of you will probably know, Lightbox is a JavaScript library introduced a couple years back. It’s goal was to make viewing image galleries easier. A plethora of spin-off projects have appeared, each introducing their own improvements. Which Lightbox is right for you?