Category Archives: Asides

Is This Enough Ads?

What do you think, does Forbes have enough ads on their website? [Screenshot.] While I’m still avoiding using AdBlock, sites like this make it hard to resist. Hovering over either of the two CDW banner ads triggers an overlay of various products. And there are way too many banners on the page in addition to the CDW ads.


No, not the Feist album. I thought I would post a quick reminder than RSS Awareness Day is the day after tomorrow. That’s May 1st, so get your posts ready if you’re participating.

Someone recently brought a new polling service to my attention. allows you to create polls in a wide array of styles. You can even create a poll without registering (something that too many sites don’t offer). The site seems to be fairly new,…


Superblogger. Definition: Darren Rowse, Maki, John Chow, etc. A word I thought-up while writing a post today. A blogger, with a large following, who writes often, makes use of social bookmarking/networking sites, and is considered to be one of the top bloggers in a…

Guest Post Opportunity

Outlaw Design’s blog was recently sabotaged by unknown vandals. Their database was destroyed, and they didn’t have a backup (sadly, I know what that’s like). If you want to help them out, they’re offering an opportunity for guest writers.

Dang! I Thought I Was Covered!

I made a mistake when I scheduled some posts, so two were published today by mistake. Great, I thought I was covered for tomorrow…

EnGadget and Magenta

Deutsche Telecom recently demanded that EngGadget stop using the color Magenta in the EnGadget Mobile logo. A lot of people, including myself, thought this was an April Fools joke, but it’s real alright. Deutsche Telecom still insists that they own the color magenta. EnGadget…

WordPress 2.5

WordPress 2.5 has just been released. (Great, I just updated to RC2 yesterday…)Â Coinciding with the update is a new design for

7 Ways to Make Your Blog Stickier

My guest post 7 Ways to Make Your Blog Stickier has went live over at ProBlogger. (I was wondering why my RSS subscriber count jumped up 30+ readers today…) And, I thank you, Darren, for providing the opportunity to guest-post on your blog.

Spam Comments Still Slipping Through

I apologize for any spam comments you may see. Akismet still isn’t doing its job correctly, and some have been slipping through the filters. Rest assured that I will remove them as soon as I notice them.