The Death of the Boring Blog Post

Don’t miss this amazing Smashing Magazine article: The Death of the Boring Blog Post.

The Death of the Boring Blog Post

What if bloggers published less articles, but spent a lot more time on them? This is something that has been recommended by blogging legends such as Vitaly Friedman and Darren Rowse for quite some time now. But what if they did more than just write? What if they learned from magazines and changed up their designs a bit, bringing concepts from print design into the digital realm? That’s the whole idea of the post.

  • cyberscrawler
  • cyberscrawler

    Some of my thoughts on this post are in the above comment …Plz check them out

    • Matt

      I don’t think Smashing Magazine literally meant that traditional blogging would die out, but that they predict that some large magazine-type blogs might start doing things more along those lines.

      You know, sensationalistic headlines work well in social media. ;)

    • SomeRandomGuy

      Interesting post, cyberscrawler. I think you took it a bit literally though. Smashing didn’t get where they are by being “boring” and they said they arent about to start doing posts that look like magazine pages. They’re a design blog, and they do some forward-thinking post like this sometimes. I think they meant it more about blogs like the corporate and professional blogs you mentioned. Not blogs in general. They should have used a better title.