WP-LESS: Leaner CSS For WordPress

You may have heard of LESS. It’s a Ruby Gem that allows you to write CSS files with variables, nested rules, operations, and “mixins,” which are akin to custom functions in a programming language. The LESS files are compiled into pure CSS before going into use.

WP-LESS is a plugin that, using the lessphp library, brings LESS to WordPress. I have yet to try it for myself, but it certainly sounds intriguing.

The plugin watches for edits to your LESS source code, then recompiles and caches it as plain CSS, which is served up to your visitors.


  • http://dflydev.com/ Beau Simensen

    Great work!

    I have had some pretty sizable issues getting imports to work and have been working with the lessphp project to try and get those solved. I am hoping that we will be able to detect whether or not imports have been modified in addition to the outermost less source.

    This functionality is critical to allow for building utility .less files and for being able to use WP-LESS with child themes.

    I would love to be able to help getting those changes referenced by WP-LESS once they are stable. Please let me know if you would like help integrating these changes once they are ready. (feel free to contact me by email)
