TweetMeme Button Adds “Source” Option

One of my previous criticisms of the TweetMeme button was that the message it would send to Twitter was along the lines of “RT @tweetmeme blah blah blah.” I wasn’t crazy that it would put @tweetmeme as the source of the find when you clicked the button to tweet a post.

TweetMeme, apparently, has addressed this problem. Now you can set a custom source in the JavaScript snippet, so it RT’s your username.

TweetMeme RT with a custom source set

The tweetmeme_source variable is set much the same way as the ones for the URL or the “compact” button setting.

<script type="text/javascript">
tweetmeme_url = '';
tweetmeme_source = 'redwall_hp';
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

  • Artem Russakovskii

    As a note, they do have a plugin here and the plugin has a simple settings page with this functionality included.
    However, the feature you're talking about just went live on the 6th, so thanks for the heads up!

    • redwall_hp

      I'm aware of the plugin, but don't you think it's more fun to do things yourself? :)

      • thefrosty

        I do, I've activated the plugin, and went back to calling the function in in function.php file..

  • Artem Russakovskii

    heh, well it could be but I don't see a point if a plugin is available. But more importantly, most people (if they're less technical) would be confused by your post because it doesn't match their setup – they don't deal with javascript, but simply with a plugin.
    Worked fine for me though, thanks :), although I found incompatibility with NoScript I think (even if it's set to globally allow scripts).

  • Clay

    Do you know how to customize the tweet that appears when readers click on the tweetmeme button? Mine passes the name of the blog instead of the name of the post.


    • redwall_hp

      Yeah, I think I knew that. I prefer the name of the post myself, though. (As people are generally tweeting my posts, not a link to my homepage.)