Google Shuts Down FeedBurner API

Google announced the deprecation and closure of several of their APIs awhile back, notable ones including the Translate API, a few search APIs and the FeedBurner API. As of just a few days ago, the FeedBurner API has been shut down. Any application that requests subscriber information will fail to retrieve the data. This includes custom subscriber count widgets, iPhone apps like Ego, et cetera.

This raises questions about the future of FeedBurner. Is Google planning to shutter the service as well? Coupled with the recent discontinuation of AdSense for Feeds, things not looking too good. If they do end up phasing out FeedBurner, it will break a lot of feed URLs. I’m sure at least three quarters of the feeds in my RSS reader are hosted by FeedBurner. Some transparency would be nice.

  • CodeFolios

    I think this is a tricky step from Google.

  • Goob

    “Some transparency would be nice.”

    Amen to that. I think it’s safe to say the writing is on the wall for FeedBurner…

    Though even more perplexing to me is the shuttering of AdSense for Feeds. I don’t understand why you’d discontinue something that’s surely turning a profit, albeit a small one.

    • Matt

      One thing’s for sure, if they do discontinue Feedburner, it’s going to be a major pain to migrate everything. Both for subscribers and those of us running sites.

  • Rg Enzon

    This greatly affects web and mobile apps that rely heavily on FeedBurner API. I really hope that they will innovate rather than try to shut down FeedBurner on the coming years