Yearly Archives: 2011

Twitter to Wrap All Links with Starting in October

According to the Twitter developer documentation, Twitter plans to start wrapping all links with their shortener starting in October. Currently, only ones over a certain length are wrapped.

So if you’re like me, and have a personal URL shortener that generated smaller links than, you probably think this move is a little silly.

On the plus side, and the official Twitter clients (as well as any that use the right API methods) automatically expand all links and display the URL they point to. So users should optimally never see the URLs at all. If you continue to use your own shortener, it’s URLs will be re-wrapped, but users will still see your link.

Developers should check out the URL Wrapper documentation page, as well as the wrap_links parameter in the statuses/update API method.

A Potential Windows 8 Caveat: Alternate Browsers in Metro

Microsoft has been showing off developer previews of Windows 8 lately, with it’s new multitouch “Metro” UI. The idea behind Metro is to have a tablet-friendly interface that boots quickly, with an option to switch into the traditional desktop interface. Metro apps, from what…

How to Add A Floating Social Media Widget Box to Your Blog

Now that most blogs are starting to pare-down their social media buttons and go with the dynamic widgets offered by the three or four largest social media sites, you’ve probably seen a few sites with a floating box that hovers along the left side,…

Prefixr: Cross-Browser CSS in Seconds

Many CSS3 attributes (e.g. border-radius) have long been implemented in various browsers with vendor prefixes, such as -moz and -webkit, which allow browser vendors to work on implementations of new features before the standard notation is set in stone. Remembering the different prefixes and…

BlogBuzz September 10, 2011

Reddit Becomes Reddit Inc.

Reddit is being spun-off from Condé Nast and will be a distinct corporation (Reddit Inc.) owned by Advance Publications, the conglomerate that owns Condé Nast. This means they’ll have a lot more control over things, as they will report back to their own board of…

Bootstrap: Twitter’s CSS Framework

Twitter has a new CSS framework, named Bootstrap, that they launched recently, which includes things like grids, custom form styles, tooltips and popovers, etc.. Bootstrap is a toolkit from Twitter designed to kickstart development of webapps and sites. It includes base CSS and HTML…

WordPress Admins Can Post JavaScript in Post Comments

Here’s an interesting fact about WordPress: users with Administrator or Editor privileges are allowed to post unsanitized JavaScript or markup in Post comments. I discovered this by accident when I was leaving a Facebook API example for a commentator, and posted a code snippet…

If PHP Were British

I was browsing a popular social media site the other day, when I came across a link entitled “If PHP Were British.” I started laughing out loud (for real) just a few paragraphs in. When Rasmus Lerdorf first put PHP together, he – quite…

Firefox 7 to Use 20-50% Less Memory

Mozilla engineers have began and effort known as “MemShrink” to reduce Firefox’s rather large memory footprint, with the changes being made in Firefox 7. (I still haven’t quite figured out Mozilla’s new version numbering scheme, and Firefox 5 is the current release…) In short:…