Yearly Archives: 2010
Aug 9, 2010 by Matt | Posted in Design
It’s been awhile since I spotlighted a cool design, and now is as good a time as any, so… is a web application with a spiffy design that a few noteworthy designers have commented on. It’s simple, it makes good use of whitespace, and the texturing looks great. I particularly like the large blue buttons and the footer. (Lean in and give your screen a close look!)

Aug 6
If you’ve ever played around with the Twitter API, you’ll know that many functions require authentication with either a username/password combination or OAuth. Soon Twitter will be turning off basic authentication for security reasons, in favor of the more complex OAuth protocol. There are…
Aug 4
Mobile web usage is on the rise. With the browsing trend kicked-off by the iPhone, more and more people are starting to view web pages on the go. I certainly do with my iPod Touch. (Whenever there’s WiFi available, I’ll usually check email and…
Aug 2
Many modern web browsers have early support for the <video> and <audio> elements in the HTML5 spec. Unfortunately, their implementation varies depending on the ideals of the various browser developers. Safari expects video to be encoded in the high-quality H.264 codec, other browsers prefer…
Jul 30
I noticed something interesting recently. The new version of Apple’s Xcode development suite (which is used to build applications of iPhones and OS X) is starting remind me a little of Coda and Espresso. The latter two applications are one-window development environments for web…
Jul 28
At long last, the WordPress project will be ending support for PHP 4. WordPress 3.1, to be released in late this year, will be the last version to support the legacy version of PHP. For WordPress 3.2, due in the first half of 2011,…
Jul 26
Have you ever noticed that Internet Explorer, with its great wisdom and intelligence, likes to add a useless scrollbar to the side of every HTML textarea? Most browsers add one when it is needed, but IE adds it in right away. There’s an easy…