Yearly Archives: 2009

10 Ways to Launch a New Blog with a “Bang”

Starting a new blog? It sure can be frustrating to be writing to an empty audience. Web Designer Depot has the solution: Launch a New Blog with a “Bang.”

Ten things. If you do one or more of them, you’ll have readers in no time. The first suggestion is one that is easy, and works well: Write a couple posts before you start trying to publicize the blog.

Do you want a guaranteed way to launch with a bang? Prepare amazing content before you launch. I am not talking about a quick general post, I want you to take the time of your life to create the most astounding post you have ever come across.

Another suggestion is to create some sort of freebie to give away. Icon sets and eBooks are suggested, and I’ve had success with WordPress plugins.

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ThemeForest Adds Multi-Project Licensing

Envato’s ThemeForest marketplace has added multi-project licensing for their products. Buy a 10 Project License for just 3 x the cost of a Single Use License. A 10 project license means you can use the same file over and over – up to ten… – DIY Blog Networks and Communities

A new service called sprang-up recently. It’s kind of like “WordPress MU in a box.” With a very setup, you register to become your own blog provider. So you can setup a topical blog community.

BlogBuzz May 16, 2009

PHP Version_Compare()

While I was working on a WordPresss plugin recently, I needed to implement a version check. The plugin required WordPress 2.7 or greater, and it made use of several functions available only in PHP 5 and up (such as SimpleXML). It seemed like there…

Poll: How Many Domains Do You Have?

How many domain names do you have registered at this time? Do you just have one, or do you have a massive portfolio, some you’re actively using while others are stashed for a future project or for sale? I’m somewhere in the middle. (They…

Tweetable Twitter Plugin For WordPress

Yesterday I released my newest WordPress plugin: Tweetable. It helps integrate Twitter into your blog. It tweets your posts as they are published and adds a configurable sidebar widget that displays your latest tweets (with optional follower count). The automatic post-tweeting can be configured…

Tracked RSS: Add Google Analytics Tracking to Your RSS

Google Analytics supports an interesting feature called campaign tagging, where you append variables to a URL so you can track a “campaign.” You could, for instance, add them to the URL of a post of yours that you will be sharing on Twitter. Then…

TweetMeme Button Adds “Source” Option

One of my previous criticisms of the TweetMeme button was that the message it would send to Twitter was along the lines of “RT @tweetmeme blah blah blah.” I wasn’t crazy that it would put @tweetmeme as the source of the find when you…

WordPress Theme of the Month: Gallery

The WordPress Theme of the Month for May 2009 is Gallery, released by Smashing Magazine and designed by Christopher Wallace.