Monthly Archives: September 2009
Sep 30, 2009 by Matt | Posted in Design
WooThemes have released a new freebie icon set in partnership with Liam McKay, creator of the popular Function Icons set. The set is known as “WooFunction.”

The icons seem pretty good to me, and there certainly are a lot of them. The set seems to be more targeted for general user interface use rather than being yet another collection of social media button graphics. (Not that social media icon sets are a bad thing…)
Sep 29
I signed up for an account with at the beginning of September, installed Ubuntu, and I’ve been slowly migrating my various websites over since. What exactly is They are a provider of Cloud Virtual Private Servers. You can affordably purchase as much…
Sep 28
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec ut neque sed leo placerat ultricies. Nunc tellus nisi, elementum vel placerat et, sollicitudin eu lacus. Need dummy text to stand-in for the content that will fill a space in a design you’re working on?…
Sep 25
Sooner or later you’ll probably run into a case where you need to put up a “maintenance mode” page while working on the site (e.g. while moving a site to a different server). What’s the best way of doing that? First you create a…
Sep 24
Here’s a neat little trick for those of you with SSH access to your Linux server. You can use a simple command to get a live-updated stream of your access log, so you can see hits as they come in. It’s sort of like…
Sep 23
There are a couple of easy adjustments you can make to your web server in order to decrease page loading times, save bandwidth, and reduce load on the server. All you have to do is add a couple of code snippets to either your…
Sep 22
As you may know, my favorite desktop client is Tweetie for Mac. If you use Twitter through a desktop client (whether it’s Tweetie or some other), you probably wish you could click those green retweet buttons and have them open in your client instead…
Sep 21
Google has acquired reCAPTCHA, the service that powers some of those squiggly-letter fields (or CAPTCHAs) you have to fill out before submitting a form. (This is usually done to hinder bots attempting to mass-submit the forms for purposes such as spamming.) The interesting part…