Monthly Archives: August 2009
Aug 31, 2009 by Matt | Posted in Software & Scripts
Do you use OpenDNS?
I have for awhile, since my ISP’s DNS servers can be kind of flaky sometimes. The one thing I don’t like about the service is how it hijacks mistyped domains and I’m Feeling Lucky searches that Firefox would usually redirect to the site I’m looking for, sending me to an OpenDNS search page with some ads on it. Sure, it helps support the service, but as a Firefox power user, the added time-waste is frustrating.
Luckily there’s a solution. The Feeling Lucky Fixer extension for Firefox restores the functionality to the browser, allowing you to simply type a website’s name (e.g. “imdb”) into your URL bar and wind up in the right place. Huzzah!

Aug 28
You may have heard of LESS. It’s a Ruby Gem that allows you to write CSS files with variables, nested rules, operations, and “mixins,” which are akin to custom functions in a programming language. The LESS files are compiled into pure CSS before going…
Aug 27
TechSmith has finally released a Mac screencasting application. Camtasia for Mac is not a port of the popular Camtasia Studio software, but an entirely new application that has many of the same features, but has its fair share of differences. From the feature set,…
Aug 26
If you use Thaya Kareeson’s BuySellAds WordPress plugin, turn off the caching feature! To do so, set the JavaScript cache time setting to zero. This is because Buy Sell Ads network is now also tracking the number of times the ads themselves get requested…
Aug 25
Net.Tuts+ has a good tutorial on the Kohana PHP framework. Following it through should get you used to the MVC structure, help you configure everything, and give you a good overall feel for the framework. Coupled with the official Kohana docs, you should be…
Aug 23
In the past 30 days, this blog pulled in about 37,000 pageviews. While that’s not an astronomical figure, it’s more than the 30 days before. This blog is slowly, but steadily, growing. To my dismay, my ad impressions are lower than ever. Only fifteen…
Aug 21
One of the major criticisms of the CodeIgniter PHP framework is its continued support for PHP 4. The developers of the language announced two years ago that PHP 4 development, security patches included, would cease by the end of 2007. The CodeIgniter project still…
Aug 20
Have you ever seen a scenario where you’re accessing data as an object, such as when you’re using WordPress’s database interface or when you’re parsing XML files with SimpleXML? You have something like echo $result->name. Have you ever wondered how that was done? Using…