Monthly Archives: April 2009

Design Spotlight: Yoast

Joost De Valk recently redesigned his website, The new design is very memorable, and certainly unique.

Yoast Redesign

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The Design Secrets of Collis Ta’eed

Collis Ta’eed, co-founder of Envato, is one of my favorite designers. His designs have a certain quality that you don’t see just anywhere. They’re simplistic, stylish, and unique.

Google Axes AdSense “Video Units”

If you’ve used AdSense within the last few years, you may have heard of their Video Units. They’re finally being discontinued, and frankly I’m not surprised. Video Units always seemed strange to me. Basically they would scan your pages for keywords like usual ad…

Is Retweet The Next Digg This?

Jeff Chandler has a short, interesting article up on Performancing about Tweetmeme, and the explosive popularity of their “Retweet This” widgets, which make it easy to retweet a post (and display a count of the number of times it has been retweeted). If you…

The “DiggBar”

Digg recently threw the switch on their new DiggBar, a little toolbar combined with a URL shortener. The toolbar is really an HTML frameset. Every link on will have the DiggBar on top of it when you click through, unless you turn it…

Post to Twitter From a PHP Script

If you’ve used Twitter for long, you’re probably aware of their impressive API. Nearly any day-to-day task that you can perform on can be done programmatically via the API. (This enables us to have useful applications like Twhirl.) Now, suppose you would like…

BlogBuzz April 4, 2009

When Did You Update Your “About” Page Last?

Remember when you started your blog, you put a short bio on a page title “About,” or something similar? Maybe you wrote about yourself, your blog, or both. When was the last time you updated that page? When someone comes accross a new blog,…

CodeIgniter – Open Source PHP Web Application Framework

CodeIgniter is a PHP framework that incorporates the MVC methodology. It’s fairly lightweight, doesn’t require messing around with the console, and once you get used to it, it might make it easier and faster to code. CodeIgniter simplifies many tasks, such as database I/O…

Mozilla Announces Firefox For iPhone

Mozilla has announced that Firefox will be coming to the iPhone soon, this summer if there are no major delays. The browser, dubbed “iFox” internally, is a fairly full-featured port of Firefox with a full implementation of the Gecko rendering engine and the TraceMonkey…