Remember when you started your blog, you put a short bio on a page title “About,” or something similar? Maybe you wrote about yourself, your blog, or both. When was the last time you updated that page?
When someone comes accross a new blog, they often click over to your About page to learn a little about the site and the author(s). What kind of impression would you give them if that page had outdated information? They may not notice at first, but they might be a little confused later on when you mention that you live in San Francisco in a post, while your About page says you live in Chicago. (Or something like that.)
Every few months, it’s probably a good idea to give the page a good look and see if there’s anything you could change. I just made some minor changes to mine. Apparently it said that I was still saving up for a MacBook…while I’ve had one since spring 2008. So I fixed that, and made some other fixes here and there.