Monthly Archives: January 2009

BlogBuzz January 31, 2009

I Don’t Like Spam!

Look at this impressive chart: Now that looks like a lot of something. Too bad it’s spam. Yes, this graph is generated from Akismet’s log of the spam comments it has caught over time.

Why They’re Wrong: WordPress Plugins Shouldn’t Have to be GPL

In the past year or so there has been a lot of talk about “premium” WordPress themes and plugins, and the GPL. There have been many arguments over whether or not plugins and themes should be able to be licensed under other, non-GPL, licenses.…

Google Responds to Criticism of FeedBurner Migration

As you may already know, Google has set a deadline for you to migrate your feeds over to their new system tied to your Google Account. The move hasn’t been as smooth as it could have been so far, and there has been much…

PHP Tip: Prevent SQL Injection

SQL Injection is one of the most common exploits. It’s a sneaky technique that takes advantage of unsafe database querying practices to gain access to the database. Suppose you have a input form that asks for an email address for a newsletter subscription. The…

Minify: Compress Your JavaScript and CSS

If you’ve ever used a JavaSCript library such as jQuery or Prototype, you are probably familiar with minified scripts. They act like normal JS files, but they are a lot smaller, and they look like gibberish when you open them in a text editor.…

Transfer Your FeedBurner Feed

If you remember a couple years ago, way back in the summer of 2007, Google bought the venerable feed mirror and statistics company FeedBurner. The Big G has since been slowly migrating everyone’s accounts over to their own servers, moving away from the old…

BlogBuzz January 24, 2009

Automattic’s latest site, is quite interesting. The site, described as “Your Visual Resource for All Things WordPress,” is an attempt at putting together a central place to find quality WordPress-related videos. So far it’s mainly short beginner-oriented tutorials and clips from WordCamp, though…

Learn Object Oriented PHP

PHP is the web programming language of choice (or scripting language, if you insist…) for many people, and my favorite as well. One thing I find interesting is when it’s taught, by many books and websites, they tend to not spend much time on…