Yearly Archives: 2008
Oct 24, 2008 by Matt | Posted in WordPress
WordPress 2.7 will be here soon, the release only weeks away. In addition to long-awaited major features such as automatic core file updates, we’ll be seeing another major redesign on the Admin pages. The goal of the redesign is to improve usability, require less pageloads to get where you want to go, and to offer much more in the way of customization options.
We’ll finally be seeing the beginings of the customizable Dashboard that’s been in the works for some time. Modules will be reorderable by dragging and dropping, and collapsed/expanded at will.
The New 2.7 Dashboard
Screenshots of the new Admin.
It looks pretty good to me. Hopefully the new WordPress release won’t break too many plugins…especially WP125 and GoCodes. 
Oct 23
You may have already heard about this post, it’s been all over the web the past week. (I think I already linked to it in a BlogBuzz entry too possibly.) Digital Labz has put together a roundup of web designers’ Twitter profiles, making it…
Oct 22
There have been a lot of website redesigns this year, and more are on the way. With each one, there have been major complaints. Not just the usual “Eh, the old one was better,” but actual resistances. It’s fairly common knowledge among designers and…
Oct 21
Around November 2007 (about a year ago), I added a “sideblog” to Webmaster-Source, where I could post “asides” — short updates that were, well, not long enough to merit an entire post. These little postings appear in the sidebar, as you can see (as…
Oct 20
Browser maker Opera has conducted a recent study to see how much of the web is standards compliant. Using a specialized web crawler, dubbed “MAMA” for “Metadata Analysis and Mining Application,” that searches around 3.5 million pages, the company has determined that a mere…
Oct 19
Target=”_blank” tells a user’s browser to “open this link in a new window” (or a tab, if you’ve configured your browser to treat windows as tabs). Many people don’t like this behavior, and many usability “experts” have argued against it’s use. The W3C has…
Oct 17
Google recently added a useful new feature to their Webmaster Central portal, which Google employee Matt Cutts says can help you get some extra links. It allows you to see dead URLs that sites are linking to on your site (a.k.a. pages that don’t…
Oct 16
Looking to create that cool reflection effect on an image? There are plenty of JavaScript solutions, such as Reflection.js, to handle the effect on the client side, but what if you want to do it on the server end, to ensure maximum compatibility or…
Oct 15
First there was an unexplained downtime of half a day (!!!) last month, now my host is planning a scheduled downtime to upgrade their core switches in their datacenter. This will take approximately one hour on October 23rd “sometime between 12 am and 6…