Yearly Archives: 2008

BlogBuzz May 10, 2008

The Secret to Getting Traffic: Link

Forget all about PageRank. Fill your posts with links to related posts, on your blog, and more importantly, on other blogs. Don’t hoard PageRank, and try to keep visitors on your site. Send them to other sites, and hope they come back. If you…

The Open Share Icon Project

You’ve probably seen the “universal sharing” icon Alex King put together for Share This. Unfortunately, it’s now owned by the people behind, and has some slightly annoying terms attached to its use. Alex King’s Share Icon is “now wholly owned and trademarked by…

When Should You Add Ads?

Right from the start. If you have ads on your site from the beginning, your readers aren’t going to complain when you add them in. (Though my advice to the whiners would be to read the article in their RSS aggregator.) Unfortunately, when you’re…

Elements of Design

Most design galleries showcase interesting/well-designed/etc web designs. Elements of Design is not like them. Brought to you by the Smiley Cat Web Design Blog, Elements of Design focuses on individual elements of designs. Some examples include: Search boxes Comments and Comment Forms Pull Quotes…

Traffic Sources: Where Are Your Visitors Coming From?

Check your blog’s statistics. Where are your visitors coming from? Are they mainly typing-in your blog’s URL, coming from search engine results pages (SERPs), or are they being referred to you from other sites? Google Analytics puts an overview of this information on their…

Web Resources Depot Admin Template

Web Resources Depot has released a free Admin Template for use in web apps. It’s a three-column design with a row of tabs, for navigation, along the top. With some modifications, it would work well for a web application, if you were developing one.…

BlogBuzz May 3, 2008

WordPress Theme of the Month: Simple

It’s May 2008, and this month’s featured WordPress theme is Simple. A live demo is available.

30 RSS Resources For the Feed-Addicted Blogger

Today is RSS Awareness Day (an idea of Daniel Scocco’s). The goal is to spread RSS, teaching non-bloggers about the technology, and showing them how it could benefit them. You can do this however you want. Simply post this video, or go beyond that.…