What do you think, does Forbes have enough ads on their website? [Screenshot.] While I’m still avoiding using AdBlock, sites like this make it hard to resist. Hovering over either of the two CDW banner ads triggers an overlay of various products. And there are way too many banners on the page in addition to the CDW ads.
Yearly Archives: 2008
32 Lightweight Designs
May 19Once again, I’ve been skimming through the design galleries and looking through notes and bookmarks in search of noteworthy designs. This time around, I’ve put together a collection of light designs. While more graphic-heavy designs may look great, simplicity and whitespace can go a…
Net Neutrality in a Nutshell
May 18Net Neutrality is very important. For both website operators and the average user. It’s a much-talked-about subject, though far too many people have no clue what it means. Despite the somewhat boring name, Net Neutrality is something that everyone (who isn’t the RIAA, the…
BlogBuzz May 17, 2008
May 17Rank Your Domain
May 16How good is your domain? Take the test and find out! How Short is the Domain? Give yourself one point if it’s 16 characters or less (excluding the TLD), two points if it’s 10 characters or less, and three if it’s under 7 characters.…
DNS Pinger
May 15DNS updates are a pain. They test your patience as you wait “up to 72 hours for your changes to propagate,” and often you need to know when it’s done. If you’ve ever moved from one web host to another, you know how tricky…
IES4OSX – Run Internet Explorer on Your Mac
May 14Internet Explorer, a.k.a. the Web Designer’s Plague, unfortunately, isn’t available on the Mac. Many will say this is a good thing, but for designers, or anyone who makes many changes to their template, Internet Explorer is pretty much mandatory for testing. So many people…
DHTML Color Picker
May 13I was working on a project recently that required a color picker. It didn’t take long for me to find Colour Lovers’ free DHTML Color Picker. It’s easily the best color picker script out there (that I’m aware of). The script is fairly easy…
Tempus Fugit
May 12Tempus Fugit, or “Time Flies” in Latin, is a very appropriate thing to say now. Lately, I’ve been busy. Since getting back from a bowling tournament out of town (don’t ask what my scores were…), I’ve been busier than ever. In addition to blogging…
“Make Money Online”: Blogging Is All About The Content
May 11There are countless “Make Money Online” blogs. Blogs attempting to make money by blogging, blogs trying to teach how to make money blogging, and blogs trying to make money online by teaching how to make money online. Many of the latter hadn’t made a…