Yearly Archives: 2008

Cuil, The New Search Engine That Isn’t… Yet

Over the past few days, the blogosphere has been, well, blogging, about a new search engine developed by a couple ex-Google employees. Known as “Cuil,” which is apparently a Gaelic word for “Knowledge,” the search engine is attempting to be “the next Google.” (Side note: In case you didn’t know, it’s pronounced “Cool,” not “Quill.”)

I think the site has potential, if they put some serious work into it, but I don’t think they’ll be able to topple Google from their high throne. Google is, and probably will always be, the king of the serch engines. No other search site has become a synonym for “search.” No other search site has ever become a common colloquial verb. (Have you ever heard someone say “I Yahoo-ed it to see what it meant”?) Then you have the Google muscle memory, where you automatically type “” when you need to search something, the tight integration in Firefox, and all the other services in the Google empire (I’m so used to GMail/Google Apps I can baarely stand “normal” mail clients). And that’s leaving out the fact that I’ve never found a search engine that works as well. Cuil may one day become a major player, but it’s not going to take on Google.

Cuil has an innovative new interface, featuring three columns of search result blocks, which seems to be an effective way to display results, and “related” images are displayed alongside the results. They also have tabs along the top, which are supposed to lead to results in similar topics, and there is also a “drill-down” box to help you refine your query.

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Performancing Launches Ad Network

Performancing has just launched a new ad network, by the name of PerformancingAds, with 125×125 ads in mind. The network aims to sell blogs’ 125×125 ad inventory to advertisers in one-week increments, and split the revenue. Your blog is shown in a self-service marketplace,…

JavaScript iPhone UIs for Web Apps

Thinking about developing a web app for the iPhone? Or maybe an iPhone version of an existing website? Obviously you’re going to want it to look and “iPhoney,” having the slide animation when you go between screens, and things like that. It would be…

A Small Design Study of Big Blogs by Smashing Magazine

The supersized design blog Smashing Magazine has released an interesting and useful post analyzing the designs of the Technorati Top 50. They recorded statistics on the designs, and put together some percentages. Here are a few interesting numbers from the article: 92% have fixed…

Print_r: A Very Useful PHP Function

Have you ever had an array or object returned by a PHP function, but you didn’t know how it was structured? In order to proceed writing your code, you would need to known what’s in the array, and how to access it. This somes…

BlogBuzz July 26, 2008

WordPress vs. Movable Type: Who’s Winning?

Hendry Lee of BlogBuildingU recently published an article comparing WordPress 2.5 and the latest version of Six Apart’s Movable Type. It seems thought out fairly well, and seems to be fair comparision. Though a lot of people may be getting tired of this little…

47 Inspiring Web Designs

Over the past few months, I’ve put together a number of new designs, such as MVH Media. Though I normally have a rough idea of what I want a design to look like before I start, I end up skimming through online design galleries,…

Google to Buy Digg

It looks like Google might be about to buy Digg! The reported offer is reported as $200 million. Link 1, Link 2. I don’t mind, as long as they don’t Google-ify the already good-looking design, integrate Google Accounts with the site, and rename it…

GoDaddy Now Registering .me Domains: Does Anyone Care?

GoDaddy, one of everyone’s least favorite registrars, has started registering .me domains. At $40 for a two-year registration, they’re not the cheapest domains on the block, but there certainly are some interesting possibilities. Such as Could be fun,…