Yearly Archives: 2008

The Mobile Web Part 2: Mobilize Your Site the Easy Way

There are many ways to create a mobile version of your website. You can do it manually, use a WordPress plugin, or let MoFuse do it for you. Today I will cover the easy option, MoFuse, and follow-up this post with the more advanced option tomorrow.

MoFuse allows you to “Mobilize your blog” in about ten minutes. You simply create a free account, supply your blog’s URL, and pick a URL for your resulting mobile site. The URL will look something like, though you can map it to your own subdomain if you wish ( is a common convention).

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The Mobile Web Part 1: Why Go Mobile?

The mobile web is growing fast. More and more people are browsing the web on the go, besides at home on their computer. Now is a good time to put together a mobile version of your site, so you don’t miss out on the…

WordPress 2.7 Feature List Finalized

The features coming in WordPress 2.7 have finally been set in stone. In addition to the UI changes, which have sparked much debate recently, there are a number of welcome additions to the feature set. The ones I’m most excited about are: Automatic upgrade…

jQuery Plugin: Jcrop

A lot of web apps these days involve images. Twitter, Gravatar, Facebook, you name it. For avatars, sharing photos, or whatever, user-submitted images are a big part of the modern web. Now, suppose you’re building a web app, and you want to allow a…

The BOSS Mashable Challenge

A couple months ago, Yahoo released a promising new search API called Yahoo Search BOSS. It allows you to query results from Yahoo’s servers and display them how you want, reordering them even. No hard query limis are in place either. It’s pretty awesome.…

BlogBuzz September 20, 2008

Slicehost and Linode: Affordable and Reliable VPS Hosting

I know I’m going to outgrow my current shared hosting plan someday, so I figured I might as well be prepared for that eventuality. While I don’t want to go and pay 4-5 times the monthly rate I’m currently paying before I absolutely have…

Insights Plugin for WordPress

The so-called blogging experts always tell you that you should fill your posts with relevant links to other posts of your blog. But the advice isn’t much help when you can’t remember any posts you wrote in the past that would be related to…

The Usability Post

A new blog has started up over the past month or so, and quickly gained the attention of the design crowd, after a few social media hits, and posts on the front page of Design Float. The Usability Post covers, well, usability. It’s focus…

CMS Critic Interviews Matt Mullenweg

CMS Critic has interviewed WordPress creator Matt Mullenweg, asking him a few questions about Automattic and WordPress. CC: There have been numerous articles touting WordPress as the future of Content Management Systems. What is your view on this? How do you define content management…