When Should You Post?

This question is asked so often. Is it just me, or is this a pointless question?

Bloggers have come-up with theories that the best times to post are right before the start of most peoples’ work day, and around the time they get back from work.

But does it really matter?

My theory is that if you post early in the morning, simply because there will be more time over the course of the day for people to see it. If you use an RSS reader, do you have to catch a post as soon as it’s out? No, your reader will note the new post, and display it to you no matter what time it is, as long as it’s been published. Therefore, you post as early as possible, so as many people as possible will see it over the day.

It’s kind of pointless to try to post at weird times over the day to try to get more people to see at once. Just timestamp the posts to sometime in the morning.