Twitter… It seems that either you really like the service, or you totally refuse to use it. I fell into the latter category, until a few months ago, when I looked at it closer, and read some posts by some bloggers I read.
A lot of bloggers are using Twitter, and many are extolling in their posts the benefits of using Twitter in conjunction with your blog. It’s a venerable pandemic. Twitter has invaded the blogosphere, and it shows no sign of leaving any time soon.
Daniel Scocco (who is a Twitter user, I might add) has an appropriate reminder for those of you who have become addicted to Twitter: Twitter Less, Blog More!
Now, I’d like to know what your take on Twitter is. Vote in the poll below, it only takes a minute. (If you’re reading this in an RSS reader, you’ll have to click through to the blog to vote).
Where do you use your smartphone the most?
- EVERYWHERE! Whenever I have a chance! (86%, 6 Votes)
- While waiting in line (29%, 2 Votes)
- On public transportation (14%, 1 Votes)
- In the car (ಠ_ಠ) (14%, 1 Votes)
- In the bathroom (14%, 1 Votes)
- At restaurants (14%, 1 Votes)
- At work (14%, 1 Votes)
- Other (14%, 1 Votes)
Total Voters: 7