- 40 Options for Converting PSD to HTML
- Facebook To Open Source Facebook Platform – Now if they made everything open source, you could make some cool topical social networks.
- 11 Free Twitter Clients – Assuming Twitter isn’t having one of their frequent downtimes, these software packages can make Twitter easier and more useful for you.
- Patent troll sending out invoices for image hyperlinks – Some @$#% managed to get a patent on image hyperlinks (you know, <a href=””><img src=””/></a>) and is sending invoices to large websites making use of them. When was the patent awarded? 2006.
- 45+ Free Premium WordPress Themes with Magazine or Grid Layouts
- Buy and Sell Blogroll Links, and Fool Google – You can’t fool Google. They’ll just create an account and go through the directory, penalizing the sites in it.
- Does YouTube Have it Bigger Than You? – By default, embedded YouTube videos are smaller than the versions shown on YouTube.com. Is this intentional or accidental? Some may say the latter, but the lack of a “full screen” button on the embedded player certainly is…interesting.
- Should I Publish Free Articles On My Blog?
- It’s time to put MediaDefender out of business – Revision 3, a company that uses P2P technology legitimately, to distribute their videos to their viewers, was attacked with a DDoS from MediaDefender, a company in the employ of the “Big Media.” The FBI is investigating, but I still want to see MediaDefender sued into the ground.
Monthly Archives: May 2008
BlogBuzz May 31, 2008
May 31, 2008 by Matt | Posted in BlogBuzz No CommentsFoldSpy: Find The Fold
May 30“Above the fold” refers to the section of a webpage immediately visible without scrolling. It’s a carryover from the days of newspapers, where the biggest story would go on the front page, above the fold in the paper. Back when newspapers ruled the earth…
On Website Mergers
May 29What’s with the merger mania? A lot of good websites have been acquired recently, and let’s not forget the infamous Microhoo… CNET was acquired by CBS, Ars Technica was absorbed by Condé Nast, owner of Reddit, Wired, and Webmonkey, and countless other web companies…
No More CSS Hacks: PHP Browser Detection
May 28You can’t make your page render correctly in every browser. It just isn’t possible. Between several versions of the bug-ridden Internet Explorer (why can’t Microsoft just switch to Gecko or WebKit?) and a sprinkling of older browsers, there are too many bases to cover.…
Web 2.0 How-To Design Style Guide
May 27Web Design From Scratch has a great article that I’ve read a few times in the past, and recommend for anyone who does more than just edit prefab templates for their website. If you make actual designs from scratch (I’m not sure if that…
Poll: What’s Your Take on Twitter?
May 26Twitter… It seems that either you really like the service, or you totally refuse to use it. I fell into the latter category, until a few months ago, when I looked at it closer, and read some posts by some bloggers I read. A…
PR 6!
May 25I just found out that WSC’s PageRank is up to six now. Cool. I hadn’t checked it in a month or two, since I’m not obsessed about PageRank like some bloggers.
jQuery LavaLamp Menu
May 25jQuery, being one of the most popular JavaScript frameworks on the planet, gets a lot of cool scripts developed for it. LavaLamp is one of those jQuery-dependent scripts that’s useful, and really cool at the same time. LavaLamp, adding only 700 bytes to your…
BlogBuzz May 24, 2008
May 24Widgetized WordPress Admin Dashboard
May 23In WP 2.5 the WordPress developers tweaked the WP dashboard, making it a bit more usable, looking sort of like Netvibes or iGoogle. Unfortunately, they haven’t seen fit to provide the ability to customize the dashboard “widgets” yet. So what’s the point? Well, it…