Yearly Archives: 2007

On Social Bookmarking Icons…

You’ve seen them. “Digg this post!”, “Save to!”, “Add to Technorati Favorites”. The question is:Â What’s the best way to utilize them on your blog?

On some blogs, you’ll see a strip of icons like this:

On others (like this one), we use a WordPress plugin called Share This. The plugin reduces icon clutter by stashing all of the social bookmarking links into a hidden <div>. When you click the Share This button, a dropdown menu opens with all of the links. It looks sort of like this:

I’ve been using Share This for awhile now, so I don’t have an overload of those pesky icons, but here’s my question: Is it better to use Share This, or just pick 5-6 social bookmarking icons to include? Share This makes things easier for you to save the current page to all of the major sites, or even through email. The only problem is, it’s less noticeable than having a row of icons. So, which do you think is better? Tell us why in the comments.

Webmaster Articles Blog Carnival – October 1, 2007 Edition

Sorry it’s a day late! After much waiting, here’s the October 1, 2007 edition of the Webmaster Articles Blog Carnival. Submissions for the next edition are now being accepted, and if you’re interested in hosting the next edition, please let me know. InfiniTech will…

What is a Blog?

What is a blog? Can it be defined? I’ve been blogging for about two years, and I still have trouble describing what a blog is. I’m sure most bloggers do as well. However, get this straight: “Blog” does not mean “online journal” (webjournals as…

BlogBuzz September 30, 3007

Design Spotlight: Smashing Magazine Gets a New Layout

Well, it looks like Smashing Magazine launched a new layout without telling us. They’ve retained the clean look from the previous design, though the main content area isn’t nearly as wide as it had been previously.

Hey, WordPress Devs! You Screwed-Up Our Incoming Links

You know that convenient spot on the WordPress dashboard that shows links leading to your blog? Guess what. As of WordPress 2.3 it doesn’t work anymore. Some genius thought that instead of pulling the list from Technorati, they should use Google Blog Search instead.…

WordPress Theme of The Month: The Morning After

Yes, I know there are still a few days until November. I figured I’d publish the November theme a little ahead of schedule though. This month’s theme is called The Morning After.

200th Post! Plus WordPress 2.3

Seeing as this is the 200th blog post on Webmaster-Source, I’m going to take this opportunity to fill you in on a little of WSC’s history. I bought the domain about a year and a half ago, and put up a static website…

Got .Web? Alternatives to .Com Domains

“All the good domains are taken!” is one of the most common exclamations among new bloggers. They’re partly right. You have to be real creative when you register a .com or .net domain these days. Domains are taken for legitamate reasons most of the…

The Battle Against Scraping

Yesterday (September 23), I logged into my WordPress Admin panel to tweak something in my theme. In the “Recent Links” area on the dashboard, I saw a link marked “Is Web Design an Art?” I knew I’d previously written a post by that name…