- WordPress 2.4 – January 24th
- Top 30 Popular Websites That Still Are Using Tables as Main Layout Structure: There are more than I thought. Some sites, like Google, use tables for compatibility reasons. You can load Google in pretty much any browser.
- Technotarget.com has compiled a sizable list of useful AJAX, DHTML, and JavaScript Libraries.
- Inspiration: 30 More Excellent Blog Designs, courtesy Smashing Magazine.
- Everyone hates spam. That’s unsolicited email, not the tasty sandwich meat made by Hormel. You’ve probably seen those email obfuscation services that convert your address to ASCII codes so the spambots have a harder time reading them. This new WordPress plugin, known as Obfuscate, automatically obfuscates your email whenever it finds it in a post. It won’t replace having a separate address for your fan-mail (
) but it will cut down on the spam.
- Here’s another plugin I need to try-out: Trustworthy XHTML. Could this alleviate some of our problems with the WYSIWYG editor?
- More inspiration (from TutorialBlog): 30 Great Website Designs (Part5).
- 6 Easy Steps to Making a Web Hosting Switch