- Apple to Offer Movie Rentals Via iTunes?
- So, do you think John Chow is going off-topic or not with his posts about cars and food? Ben Cook from Blogging Experiment thinks so. A commenter on JohnCho.com says in response “The blog is called JohnChow dot com, the miscellenous ramblings of a dot com mogul.” It’s John’s blog, I’m not taking sides.
- Mashable: 5000+ Resources to Do Just About Anything Online
- Dilbert: “I was wondering if our new service is Web 2.0 or Web 1.0″
- Now it’s time for a popular topic among bloggers: 404Â error pages! For some reason, every bog about blogging has at least one post about improving your 404 page. I’ve yet do do mine
, but ProBlogger has just published another.
- ProBlogger.net’s 3rd anniversary is coming up. In celebration, Darren Rowse is starting some odd contest. He has yet to tell us what the contest is, but he’s currently having a Call for Prizes. If you send him something to be used as a prize for the upcoming contest, you will receive links from various pages of his site.
- Photoshop Secret Shortcuts
- Technorati has just launched a new “Digg Spy”-like service. It’s called ‘Topics‘. I saw it’s launch, annoyingly.
I was trying to access Technorati, but the dreaded “Sorry the Technorati Monster escaped!” message was there. Upon reloading the page, I saw the new Topics option on the menu.
BlogBuzz September 11, 2007
Sep 11, 2007 by Matt | Posted in BlogBuzz One Comment-
http://bloggingexperiment.com Ben Cook